@article{oai:shohoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000677, author = {多胡, 綾花 and Tago, Ayaka}, issue = {29}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究では、保育者が身体表現あそびについて感じていることや、保育現場における身体表現あそびの実態を捉えることを目的に、身体表現の実践講座に参加した現任保育者を対象に、身体表現あそびに関する自由記述を中心としたアンケート調査を行った。これらの結果より、身体表現あそびの実施の状況と実践上の問題点を把握し、現場での身体表現あそび実践にむけた課題を明らかにしたいと考える。, How can preschool teachers practice body expressions without resistance? With an aim of revealing the ways and means of promoting body expression practices, I begin with a consciousness survey on body expression plays among present preschool teachers, in order to learn the reality of body expression plays at child-care sites. For Understanding what preschool teachers feel about body expression plays, and also the reality of body expression plays at the child-care sites, a questionnaire survey with mainly free-answers on body expression plays was conducted with preschool teachers, who participated in the practice courses of body expression. From these results, I intend to understand the current situation and issues in practicing body expression plays and to reveal the challenges in practicing body expression plays in the field., 5, KJ00005655459}, pages = {43--54}, title = {ホイクシャ ノ シンタイ ヒョウゲン アソビ ニ ツイテ ノ イシキ チョウサ}, year = {2008}, yomi = {タゴ, アヤカ} }