@article{oai:shohoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000696, author = {立花, 靖弘 and Tachibana, Yasuhiro}, issue = {29}, month = {Mar}, note = {7 世紀後半から8 世紀にかけて生存した役行者は、初期の文献においてすでに伝説に彩られた人物である。現在刊行されている子ども向け本に、役行者を悪人とみる内容のものがある。この見方を批判し、民衆の立場から歴史的にみる必要性を述べた。役行者が古代社会のロマンを担う魅力ある存在であることを子どもたちに伝えたい。, Ennogyoja, who lived from the latter half of the 7th century to the beginning of the 8th century, was the man whose life was written with some legends in the early literature. Today, in some books for children, he is described as a bad person. This paper criticizes this idea and expresses the necessity of examining him from historically different angles through the eyes of the populace. This paper aims to tell children that Ennogyoja was an attractive man who sought for mentally and physically freedom in the ancient times., 9, KJ00005656139}, pages = {87--93}, title = {シジツ ト デンセツ ノ アイダ ニ ミル エンノギョウジャ ノ ミリョク}, year = {2008}, yomi = {タチバナ, ヤスヒロ} }