@article{oai:shohoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000726, author = {大塚, 習平 and OTSUKA, Shuhei}, issue = {32}, month = {Mar}, note = {保育学科学生に課している粘土制作において「焼きものといえばテーブルウェア」という学生の概念を崩す目的で、筆者が制作した等身大のテラコッタ彫刻を、学内に一定期間設置した。そして授業の中で鑑賞し、アンケート調査を行ってみた。その結果、焼きものに対する視野が広がり、制作に対する意識に変化が見られた。自作作品の鑑賞による教育効果についての考察を加えた。, To destroy the concept to which the student "It is a tableware as for the combustion one" had biased in the clay production that had been imposed on the child care subject student, the terra-cotta sculpture of the humansize that the author had produced was set up in school for a certain period. And, it appreciated in the class, and the questionnaire survey was done. As a result, view to the combustion one extended, and the change was seen in consideration to production. The consideration of the educative effect by the appreciation of the self-made work was added., 2, KJ00007972519}, pages = {23--30}, title = {テラコッタ チョウコク ノ カンショウ ト ガクセイ ノ ゾウケイ ニ タイスル イシキ ノ ヘンカ}, year = {2011}, yomi = {オオツカ, シュウヘイ} }