@article{oai:shohoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000768, author = {山形, 俊之 and Yamagata, Toshiyuki}, issue = {34}, month = {Mar}, note = {現在、アウトドアレジャーの中で、登山がブームだといわれている。1980 年代後期から平成年間を通じて継続しているこのブームは年齢・性別を問わず多くの人々を山に向かわせ、その中には多くのビギナー登山者も含まれている。また、登山を中心に据えた新たなアウトドア・ビジネスや観光ビジネスが展開されるようになったのも、この登山ブームの特徴といえる。本稿ではこのブームを「平成登山ブーム」として概観する。まず近代登山史から見た平成登山ブームの背景について考察し、平成登山ブームにおける登山者数の統計的考察を行ったうえで、平成登山ブームを支え、人々を山に導いた要因について考察したい。, Since the late 1980s, mountain climbing has been popular among Japanese people. Also it is said that the number of the mountain climbers has been increasing during this period. We will call this tendency "Climbing Trend in Heisei Period." In this paper, we will examine this long-term popularity from three aspects.First, we will survey the modern history of the mountain climbing in Japan and examine the background of the current climbing trend. Then we will statistically look over the change in the number of the mountain climbers during Heisei period. Lastly we will focus on some factors which have supported the continuousness of this longterm popularity.This paper is intended as an introduction of the study in mountain tourism which has become a popular mountain climbing style during this period. We will also find out the background of its development., 12, KJ00008688499}, pages = {189--204}, title = {ヘイセイ トザン ブーム ニ カンスル イチコウサツ}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ヤマガタ, トシユキ} }