@article{oai:shohoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000949, author = {内海, 太祐 and UTSUMI, Taisuke}, issue = {41}, journal = {湘北紀要, Journal of Shohoku College}, month = {Mar}, note = {この20年ほどの間、大学における基礎学力の低下は多くのところで指摘されてきた。この指摘を受け、昨年度実施した紙のテキストを使った通常の授業と適応的な個別学習を実現するe-Learningシステムを使った授業とで、SPI非言語分野の得点がどの程度向上するのかを調べた。その結果、概ねe-Learningシステムを使った授業を受けた学生の方が高いスコアを得たことが分かった。e-Learningシステムを使用した学生はPCを携行していたが、このことが得点に大きな影響を与えたかどうかを検証することは、e-Learningを広く展開するうえでは重要な問題である。, In these 20 years, the decline in basic academic ability at universities has been pointed out in many places. In response to this indication, it was shown how the score in the SPI non-language field improved between the regular class using paper text and the class using the e-Learning system that realized adaptive individual learning last year. As a result, it was found that students who took classes using the e-Learning system generally scored higher than those who did not. Students who used the e-Learning system were always carrying PCs. Verifying whether carrying PCs had a significant effect on scoring is an important issue in expanding e-Learning widely.}, pages = {75--82}, title = {PCを持たない学生を含んだ適応学習の効果}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ウツミ, タイスケ} }